Wednesday, July 28, 2010

AZ immigration law protesters caravan from Los Angeles

Union members and activists are caravaning to Arizona to protest the new immigration law as it is set to take effect.
As usual, their comments and stance betray their own racist, narrow-minded view of the situation:
"Rob Robbins, 71, a home care worker in Long Beach, said he grew up black in segregated Alabama in the 1940s and '50s and sees parallels between the racism of that time and now.
"Anytime I see signs of that coming alive in our country, it rises my indignation," he said. "SB 1070 basically says you are guilty because of how you look. That, to me, is not American." "
"I look at things in a historical context," said Carlos Leon, 47, a detention officer with the Los Angeles County Probation Department who decided that he needed to speak up for the oppressed.
Leon said he believes the law is unjust and will result in people being questioned about their status based on their looks."

Mr. Robbins has no clue. If there is "segregation" it is self imposed and the law goes to great lengths to not use "appearance" for cause.
Mr. Leon has no clue about history or he would acknowledge the looks based discrimination of the Spanish masters when they controlled Mexico and admit that his "belief" that the law will be abused is based on his own personal bias.

I guess Arizonans should just look at these obliviots as unruly tourists and encourage them to spend, spend, spend.

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