Sunday, December 26, 2010

The other side of Mexico's drug war

A couple that had just moved to Mexico found another side to the ongoing drug wars can prove deadly for the innocent.
32 year old Joseph Proctor from New York was just headed out to the market when he was gunned down by authorities.
If that was not bad enough, an assault rifle was placed in his dead hands and the official story was that he had been killed in a gunfight with the authorities.
Only after pressure from a US Congressman (who knew they could actually be useful?) was the truth uncovered and 3 Mexican soldiers charged for the attack.
To make matters worse, US officials would not release the true details of the murder (my definition) "until the soldiers are convicted".
I guess they fear a repeat of the deadly riots that followed the last murder of an American citizen by Mexican officials.
No. Wait. That never happened.
I forgot.
It is the Mexicans illegally in America that take to the streets when one of them is only allegedly abused by the police.

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