Thursday, January 20, 2011

People Eating Tasty Animals

Arizona has been in the news a lot over the six months for good and bad alike.
Now there is a story that will make people on both sides of the "animal rights" issue take notice.
Boca Tacos y Tequila serves tacos made from exotic animal meat on "Exotic Taco Wednesdays" and now they have added African Lion meat to the list which includes python; alligator; elk; kangaroo and rattlesnake. Frog legs, turtle, duck and Rocky Mountain oysters have also made appearances.
Alligator seems to be the favorite amongst return customers, followed by Rattlesnake.

I wish there was a Boca near me.
Just being able to smile and bite into a little Lion meat while grinning at the PETA protesters would make my day.

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