Friday, January 7, 2011

Fat Brit to sue NHS for "allowing" him to get there

A British man who recently (finally) received an operation to reduce his ability to absorb food, is threatening to sue the National Health Service (NHS) for "allowing" him to get so fat.
At his peak weight Paul Mason was consuming ten times the average caloric intake of an adult male.
I don't imagine there were any representatives of NHS forcing this food down his gullet or even bringing it to him, but they are apparently at fault by his reckoning.
I do have to agree with Mr. Mason that NHS should have approved the operation much sooner and that they should have had enough sense to send him to an eating disorder specialist instead of a dietitian when he first sought help but they failed to do even that until his weight more than doubled to 64 stone (896lbs).
NHS showed by not acting much sooner why we should NEVER accept government run healthcare and Mr. Mason shows one more reason why: It is too easy when someone else is supposedly "responsible" to just do whatever you want and blame them for not stopping you.

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