Saturday, June 12, 2010

Blinding hypocrisy from the Enviros

Most of us have figured out that there is a double standard when it comes to the kind of treatment a President gets from Environmental activists.
Of those still on the fence, the treatment Obama has been receiving should be the final straw.
Instead of calling him out on his horribly inept response to the ongoing tragedy, they are actually taking out full page ads thanking him for shutting down Alaskan oil exploration and lauding his efforts to make things better after the bureaucrats screwed up (Not his fault. He was busy with Health Care and Wall Street).
I wonder if they now have a fuller appreciation of what it is to be a prostitute now that they have been bought and bent over by Obama.
They can't afford to attack him for his very real failures, but if they continue to fail to stand up to him, many of the faithful will see them as traitors and support will suffer.

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