Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jesse Jackson Tries Screwing his Peeps (again)

Jesse Jackson is (predictably) trying to gin up support for a boycott against BP.
Once again, Jesse the race baiter, Jesse the hater, Jesse the bloated tick (as one commenter so aptly put it) is getting it all wrong and probably making money off it.
If BP stations are boycotted, only the franchise owners will suffer.
If the company is truly harmed, they will not be as effective in cleaning up their mess or being safer in the future.

So what does Jesse (the defender of the hard working American "little guy") say about the people who will lose their jobs because of him?: "There's gonna be tension between sacrifice and jobs," Jackson said. "In the meantime, we cannot stand idly by and allow those workers to stand between us and the right to breathe free, the right for fish to live, the right for wildlife to live." 
Somehow, I suspect if asked how he feels about the shrimpers in the gulf losing work, he will state that no one should be out of work because of the greedy oil company.

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