Thursday, June 10, 2010

Will Natalie Maines apologize for Obama?

The Brits have had enough of Obama's juvenile behavior and misplaced blame.
The mayor of London for one has asked that he stop doing so much to depress the price of BP stock because it hurts British pensioners (I wonder if they ever worried about that when they bashed this corporation or that, themselves).
Well, I have to agree with them.
O-blame-a needs to get off his high horse and stop doing all those things he told the kiddies they should not do.
After her heartfelt apology for, then to George Bush after telling a British audience she was ashamed he was from her home state of Texas, Natalie Maines may be the perfect pick to apologize to the Brits for Obama's behavior.

BTW; she took back her apology to Bush, saying he deserved "no respect whatsoever"

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