Monday, September 6, 2010

Machete is a hatchet job on Caucasians for a closed border

The new, heavily advertised, film Machete is all about making Americans for border control look like Al Queda's big brother.
Apparently, wanting to stop an illegal invasion of people bent on "making their lives better" at any cost, regardless of the law or what is right is racist, hateful and leads to the murder of pregnant women.
Opposition of illegals justifies revenge killings by Mexican gangs and the illegals themselves are pure as the distilled product of fermented agave.
If that isn't bad enough, Texas gave them tax breaks based on the belief that they would not be pushing their brand of racism and they may not be able to get out of the deal.

If you don't like being called a racist by a bunch of racists supporting an illegal invasion, don't pay to see this film.

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