Thursday, November 18, 2010

More failure in our schools

It is bad enough that our schools do not teach children right and wrong.
Well, at least they don't teach what most of us believe is right and/or wrong.
Now they are teaching us that even if you break the law, you can be a high profile student and still not be kicked out.
Pedro Ramirez is the student body president of Fresno State University and Jose Salcedo is the Student Government Association President at the Miami Dade College's InterAmerican campus.
They both recently revealed that they are and have been in our country illegally for years and have defrauded the schools, students, and taxpayers of the cities they live in.
It is quite likely that they will receive support and cover from activist groups and Democrat politicians known for defending criminal activity.

It is no coincidence that these "timely" revaluations come as Democrats in congress are poised to push for the "Dream Act" that would allow illegals who were brought to America under the age of 16 "through no fault of their own" if they meet certain criteria and follow the rules (after knowingly breaking them for years).

Am I the only one that finds it rather threatening that people here illegally are actively and openly engaging in politics in a way designed to force the door to our country open even more?

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