Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Great Economics Lecture

Another gem from the American Thinker, by Herbert Meyer:
I love it when someone can teach economics in terms that can be understood by the target audience.
Meyer does a great job of comparing the free market to the command economy.
One great line for the youngsters hooked on "Me Phones" is: "Look, if you've got an iPhone, there's no Republican way to make a phone call or check your e-mail -- no Democratic way, or liberal way, or conservative way. Either you do it the way the operating system wants you to do it, or nothing happens."
Exactly! You have to do what works, not just what agrees with your political dogma. 

Off subject comment: American Thinker uses Bing for advertising dollars and I support their efforts to be profitable (or at least break even) but when will someone make it possible to KEEP THAT STUPID POP-UP OFF MY SCREEN!?! I hate Bing!

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