Thursday, April 29, 2010

Judge wants Feds to prove Militia did more than talk

A Federal Judge wants prosecutors to prove that militia members being held for conspiracy did more than engage in talk.
Judge Victoria Roberts (a Clinton nominee) stated that the prosecution has not shown that the defendants had planned or ordered any specific crime.
As "Arthur Weiss, a lawyer for Thomas Piatek, 46, of Whiting, Ind., said disgust with the government as recorded by the undercover agent is similar to what's said daily by radio and TV talk-show hosts Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.
"Millions of people" are talking about "taking our country back," Weiss said." 

Billy Clinton must really be questioning his nomination of a judge that actually upholds the rights of anti-law enforcement "right wing nut jobs".
If these guys were really planning something like what they were charged for, I would love to see them do time for it.

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